Clinical Psychologist, EAP Consultant
Master of Clinical Psychology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology (CP1-0099)

Certified .b teacher – Mindfulness in School Project, UK 
Apprentice Teacher – Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Oxford Mindfulness Centre, UK
Graduate student – Graduate Diploma in Multigenerational Family Therapy, Academia di Psicoterapia della familia of Rome


Family, Parenting, Psychological disorders, Self-esteem, Interpersonal conflict, Assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders, Stress and coping, Emotional Distress, Suicidal case management, Anger management

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy; Mindfulness Coaching; Family Systems Therapy

I arrived at this profession in my late 40s, an age when most people would have had an established career. I was formerly a certified public accountant and I am grateful that I made this career shift. As a therapist, it is fulfilling to be allowed to accompany my clients on their journey to a better life. These are invaluable experiences that help me grow as a person.

I was mainly trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) during my master’s program. My interest in mindfulness started many years before I pursued the master’s program and I have been practising mindfulness meditation in the Buddhist tradition for many years. My curiosity in secular mindfulness brought me to seek training from accredited mindfulness teachers locally and abroad. This training has equipped me with the skills, knowledge and experience in integrating mindfulness in CBT. I believe that self-awareness is the beginning of change – it helps a person choose the kind of relationship she/he desires to have with oneself and others and mindfulness practice facilitates the cultivation of self-awareness. I also find it helpful for clients to gain an insight into how their experience might have influenced their present worldview. I often encourage my clients to revisit their family of origin to gain such insight. Over the last 9 years, I have worked with adolescents and adults in managing a wide range of conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD, anger management and chronic stress.

My approach to therapy is mostly based on my belief that people have the capacity and desire to improve their wellbeing. My role as a therapist is to support my client in breaking away from the unhelpful pattern of thinking and to gain a different view of self, others and the world – one that is flexible, anchored in the here and now and that brings about wellness.

In my personal life, I try to practice brief meditation daily and attend meditation retreats whenever possible. I enjoy gardening, reading, being with nature and the companionship of good friends. I am blessed to have a loving husband and two caring grown-up children, who provide me with a safe space to rest and nourish my mind.

English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien.